Friday, March 11, 2011

Farm-Time Friday: Poem and Pictures.

Pretty daffodils add a pop of yellow to all of the brown.

Springtime's Painter

by Jena Sanders

His canvas nearly bare, save stark silhouettes
of lifeless limbs in varying shades of gray.
He rests thru the season of, oh, so dreary days.

Yet the Sun doest reign triumphant--nourishing,
rejuvenating, by warmth; awakening those asleep.
The painter, once more, brushes new life that peeps.

Stark figures still remain, soon to be transformed.
With each stroke He adds a colour and then one more,
creating a beautiful masterpiece, weaving springtime's lore.

Weeping willows leaves appear first.

Watercress galore.


  1. Especially like the last two photos!

  2. I like the adding one more color - I saw a red bud out last week and thought something similar!
